Quantifying the future?

Quantifying the future?

UK election polling highlights the danger of using quantified opinion as an indicator of future behaviour. The quote of the election for us has to be… “(Politicians) should campaign on what they believe, not listen to people like me and the figures we produce.” Peter Kellner, President, YouGov. Could we say the same for innovators?…

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The importance of creativity…

The importance of creativity…

Are you an entrepreneur?  Do you think passion, or creativity is a better determinant of your success? It can be argued that entrepreneurs need passion to maintain the drive and determination needed to stick with their ideas. Indeed – but what of creativity? According to research creativity is a better predictor of success in life…

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Websites… a virtual extension of your brand.

Websites… a virtual extension of your brand.

Does your organisation have a website? Websites are getting increasingly important as they are a virtual extension of your brand. Statistics show however, that 52% of small business owners don’t actually have a website. Yet this is so important for your branding. So if you want to ensure that more people know about your brand, first…

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Why marketing has to evolve…

Why marketing has to evolve…

Information technology means that consumers have a huge amount of information at their fingertips. In fact, it’s been estimated that a week’s worth of the New York Times has more information than people were exposed to in their lifetime in the 18th Century! This means that traditional marketing needs to evolve to keep up with…

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The importance of body language…

The importance of body language…

This website gives some good tips about understanding your own body language.  Unsurprisingly, it’s vital to understand the context. Body language is like a game of Chinese whispers as signals get distorted, but they can still be a useful guide. We use them all the time! Here are some of the top tips: It’s important to…

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The attention span of a goldfish?

The attention span of a goldfish?

Apparently our attention spans are getting shorter. We engage with so many devices on a daily basis – from smartphones to tablets, laptops and TVs.  People spend more time attached to technology and are bombarded with so many messages daily, it’s no huge surprise that attention spans are getting shorter. With short attention spans, we…

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Why is market research important?

Why is market research important?

Why is market research so important?  Because a business will die if it isn’t done. In this fascinating Forbes article —  3 Top Startup Mistakes That Lead To Business Death, the author identifies three mistakes that start-ups make that lead to their demise. Number 1? — “Lack of Market Research” So why is it so important? It…

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