Websites… a virtual extension of your brand.

Websites… a virtual extension of your brand.

Does your organisation have a website? Websites are getting increasingly important as they are a virtual extension of your brand.

Statistics show however, that 52% of small business owners don’t actually have a website. Yet this is so important for your branding.

So if you want to ensure that more people know about your brand, first off, get yourself a website.

And here are three top tips for making sure you have a great online presence:

  1. Make sure that people know what you do as soon as they land on your home page – is it obvious to everyone?
  2. Have a compelling “about us” page – here you can go into a bit more detail and reasons why people would want to purchase your brand.
  3. Ensure the website is designed with usability in mind – sometimes designers want an awesome funky feel, at the expense of function.  Function is more important – if people can’t surf your web page from smart phones and tablets, you are doomed.

So think… is your branding consistent?